Monday 26 June 2017

Glastonbury starts the summer.

Next year I'm going to book the weekend of Glastonbury Festival off.

Am I going to trudge through the mud?  Get bumped by the largest assortment of British people in colourful clothing?  Eat chips from a van?

Not at all.

This weekend I discovered that BBC had coverage of all the stages.  Via the Red Button I could navigate to all the bands I would love to see live (Warpaint, London Grammar, The XX) and stay clear of the ones that would have me asleep (and possibly angry).

The only music festival I've attended has been Download in 2015.  I had the advantage that my good friend Hester lives within driving distance and camping was not taken up.  I know there is the notion of trying to have the full experience.  But I'm too old for that.

All right.  I'm too ill prepared for that.

It would be quite nice to now have both Eurovision and Glastonbury as two musical events I can enjoy from my sofa.  And the BBC Proms and half my year is sorted.

I'm writing this on a Monday morning.  Already I've enjoyed listening to the nearby traffic whilst in bed at 6.30am.  There's something more calming about that sound that any Northern Irish radio station can provide.  Actually, if you know Northern Irish radio - morning time airwaves can strike up anger.  I'm surprised there aren't more accidents on our roads or feet stamping through car radio devices.  One only has to listen to Stephen Nolan's show once and either become addicted to its lively debate or turn off knowing that you disagree with the vast majority of people in the Province.

I may have looked to the stars this morning.  Well - someone else's interpretation of the stars.

Today's horoscope is about accepting others failures or their approaches to tasks that I would do differently.  Just because I'm a Virgo and probably have a more effective way of carrying out tasks, does not mean it's the only way.

So this is the last week before school is set off for summer holidays.  As someone who works in a cinema, this does affect me.  Despicable Me 3 is due out.  Stressed out parents with excited children will be bouncing around the building.  Soon higher rated film will be released.  Teenagers will be expecting us to assume they are older.  And I, being the old foggy that I am will deny them.

That is my power.

In all honesty, the summer period can be pretty quiet for us.  Especially in the first two weeks as the 12th July hovers.  Belfast has already experienced its scorching temperatures so I imagine we'll get a soaked summer (prove me wrong however).

And if that is the case, then the BBC will provide all my entertainment and information without me having to trudge through mud for it.  The Glastonbury coverage sentiment isn't just for June - it's for the entire year that I pay my TV licence fee.

Friday 5 May 2017

Send in the Clown

Already the jokes have been told of Northern Ireland's luck in weather.  This is potentially the one week were we get sun shining upon us.  By next week we will once again be plunged into darkness that will last another year.

So enjoy it in the meantime.

Against all expectations, I have managed to grasp it.  Normally I'm considered (mainly be myself) as a recluse.  Along with being a red head, the sun is considered my enemy.  Last year I managed to nap a lot during this time.  It may be because I was still tired after working two jobs for five and a half years.  It may also be the fact that there is too much pressure to enjoy oneself with the good weather.  And when someone is pressured into having fun, the likelihood is they won't have much.

So yesterday I popped down to Botanic Gardens.  Armed with a Stephen King novel.

If I sooner saw footage of a young girl attacking passersby in the park from the previous day, I feel I would have been armed with much heavier and throw-able items.  I guess the sun can make people go crazy.  But then I suppose I could literally throw the book at someone like this.  They are the "best weapons in the world" (Doctor Who - Tooth and Claw: 2006).

I grabbed a bench near the Botanic Palm House.  Always remember visiting there when I was younger.  Usually after a trip to the Ulster Museum.  Juxtaposed with one time the Museum had an interactive dinosaur exhibition.  Considering Jurassic Park (1993) was at its height, my imagination probably thought a Velociraptor could spring out from the greens at any time.

Metres away was an ice cream van.  One girl walked away, stating loudly so the entire park could hear; "Two pounds for sprinkles.  I've never been so insulted in my life."

I do believe that if a price rise in the items you normally buy are the biggest insult to you, you may not have too much to worry about.  Everyone must adore this person from the moment she entered the world which tends to revolve around her.

"I'm going to buy everyone an ice cream," claimed a lady with a large group of children.  Quickly I envisioned myself joining the group of children, hoping I too would get an ice cream and that no one would notice my taller physique to those around me.

There is a little sun in my skin.  Again being a redhead, it's not a good idea to expose myself to it.  Ideally I'd like my face to be hit by the sun.  That's where most of my Seborrheic dermatitis is concentrated on.  Remembering when I returned from California three years back and I had a great time keeping my skin clear.

So once again, the huge Stephen King novel IT (1986) is with me.  The summer is the perfect time to read this one in particular.  Reminding you of being a child.  When summers had no end.  And the local park areas where potentials for adventures and fears.  Stories between your friends had imagination that pushed at what could keep you awake at night.

Not to mention, if anyone was to think about a career in Clowning, you may wish to reconsider.

Friday 28 April 2017

What's the worst / best (delete where applicable) that could happen?

I'm just taking on Brad Pitt's words from Inglorious Basterds as my new motto.

"Yeah I been chewed out before."

I don't think people can surprise me anymore. I've had or read the majority of complaints the public have had at my job. Occassionally concerning me. And right now I have a twinging sensation that another is on the way.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, "What's the worst that could happen?"

It's been an exhausting week. Friday is my Monday if you didn't know. And I'm starting my week off cosily in bed with my writing device. Soon there will be Irish Tea and radio.

I'm completely off work today. And I need go regather myself as I'm expecting work to be exceptionally busy. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is out. And if classic gloomy May Day weather turns up, my workplace (a cinema) will run riot.

It will be on we few to keep such order.

Not sure what else to tell you.

I like cereal. I panicked about the future throughout the week. There were too many cookies yesterday.

I wonder if I should start asking, "What's the best that could happen?"

Friday 21 April 2017


This week has been full of posing questions concerning the future. I'm not adverse to the future. I'm still learning to focus on it more than the past.

Occassionally I even look at my horoscope.

But I've also tried hard to be present in the... Present. Considering life passes by and politicians are playing with upcoming scenarios, the present appears the best place to be.

Today (Friday) I'll be answering these questions on the future. There may even be a practical approach. I suppose I need a challenge.

At the same time I'm rather glad I don't have high responsibilities. Blame is not fired my way. Free time is precious. And I may not have as much money as I did two years ago, but I have more time to unwind and enjoy what time is currently existing.

Though am quite busy this weekend now that I see my schedule. I have made time for Doctor Who. Last week's episode got me back on track with the series.

And sleep. Sleep is beautiful.

My only fear of stepping up to approaching challenges is that I will spend the rest of my life sleeping. I've been getting exhausted more than is normal. Possibly because my diet involves more chocolate now. The sugar rush runs before my brain and belly edge towards 'Shut Down'.

So one must be careful with diet. Berries must be consulted more often. Especially if the oncoming challenges are accepted.

Should I be scared? If anything I should be trained. Training taking place in the present, so tasks can be handled in the future.

But if the future could take its time in getting here, that would be a superb advantage.

Friday 14 April 2017

Easter Weekend

I suspect it will rain this Easter weekend. A shame. I often remember exceptionally sunny Easters. Even in my twenties a weekend at Easter could seem longer than the entire summer holiday from school or university.

But that's fine by me. This gives me an excuse to busy myself around the household. Maybe if I leave BBCRadio4 on I'll absorb the knowledge and well treated voices it plays out.

I gave up chocolate for Lent. You can imagine my joy at having it soon return to my diet this Sunday. This didn't stop me from turning to other sugared items. But it did help me to save money. Some people (like myself) buy chocolate as others could cigarettes.

Considering I have put on weight in the past year, the giving up of chocolate could serve me well. I've enjoyed my new found freedom without having the pressures of two jobs. One side of this is my active (and stress) levels have fallen. There are several garments in my walk-in wardrobe (spare bed-room) that no longer fit me. Buttons bulge. Shirts stretch. Although people have commented on how much better I'm looking with a fuller figure. One has to look on the brighter side.

But chocolate will be once again be in front of me. Perhaps I should borrow my parent's VHS copy (I still have a video player) of Chocolat. Or reread Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. And binge the entire collection of chocolate I've been keeping in my cupboard for breakfast.

Make a real day of it.

I just hope you enjoy Easter as much as I think I will. I have films and reading and walks to catch up on. I'm even going to give Doctor Who another try. Because I remember the excitement I had during the Easter weekend, knowing that the TARDIS was to send us off on fun adventures with clueless aliens.

And one got the weekend off. This is unusual. Working in a cinema during holiday period whilst a large blockbuster film (The Fate of the Furious if you need to know) has been released generally means your weekend doesn't exist.

If I wasn't busy this evening I would go through The Passion of the Christ.

Or Monty Python's Life of Brian.

Whichever one I think will be more beneficial towards society.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Valentine's Day approaches. Maybe my position will also.

Am now the proud owner of a tiny DAB Radio Alarm Clock.  This could either be the start of waking up and being fruitful with my interests.  Or be the cause of many relaxed mornings as BBC6Music rolls out around Jeffrey (cuddly toy dog) and I.

Currently typing this in Belfast's Central Library.  I've stated many times in my life how important such places are.  The books that surround me as I write set up the perfect background.  I wonder how much time I'll have to free up in order to get through all these tasty volumes.  As well as the many piles I've got at home.

February has arrived.  In 2017.  A decade ago I was heading to University.  And I'm not sure I've got any clearer indication on what I'm doing with my life since then.  But I'm glad to say I no longer stress or worry about such.  As long as I'm working - within a job and upon my own development and view of my place upon the world - do I really need a defining position in the world?

Take Donald Trump for example.  I'm getting the impression that he's not enjoying the job of President of the United States.  Certainly getting the position is an achievement.  And beforehand the job sounds highly prestigious and beneficial.  But his running for the position reminded me of US teen comedies and dramas.  The type where plotlines follow certain students in high schools who run for Class President or some such accolade.

It all sounds glamorous and impressive and astounding.

For Trump I am getting the impression (and occasionally, fear) that he is discovering how complex the job is.  He has the ultimate position in the world.  Yet I think he's no more clearer on what he wants to bring to the world than he did during his bankruptcy days.

I'm simplifying this scenario.  I'm sure there are moments in the job he is enjoying.  Like loosing his temper every so often.

Then again, he's trying new things.  Which I suppose should be applauded.

Even if his actions are causing major stress globally.

As noted before in a previous blog post, one is continuing the frugal living.  But it's great.  One is rereading George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire.  In bitesize chapters of course.  The last time I read it I was trying to take it in one swallow.  And I couldn't tell you anything that happened within those pages.  Now however - one chapter at a time, one is being exposed to the mysterious and murderous goings on of Westeros beautifully.

Then I dose it with Stephen King.  I pulled out Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood considering it is Valentine's Day in the next week.  It's probably the only novel concerning Romance in my collection.  Maybe Wuthering Heights.  Am always up for bizarre twisted relationships.

And if you work in a cinema like I do, you see how strange and scary some relationships can be.

That's why for this Valentine's Day I'm planning, straight after work; a glass of red wine and Marilyn Manson's latest album entitled Say10.  If it's released.  He has stated it would be release day.  But so far no album tracklist or art work has been released.  If in the end it isn't, then a rewatch of James Whale's classic The Bride of Frankenstein will be in order.

I wonder if Donald Trump will embrace the day with a message of love and understanding?  Surely as a World Leader it would be a small responsibility or courtesy,  That would maybe steer him in the direction of global favoritism.

But more likely ridicule.