Sunday 27 June 2010

There is no money. There is value.

During work the radio was generous. Kill Hannah's Strobe Lights and Thirty Second's to Mars' This Is War was played. On a sunny evening, where certain problems feel more distant than usual, this was good. My thoughts flew faster than my feelings. My imagination soared, maybe not with scenes of the fantastical, but with notes of what can happen to characters.

In the morning I had watched Spirited Away. All this fantasy, all the collections of colourful goings on that can happen in a world where anything is possible got me excited. Dreams are good, but they may not be enough. Carefully thought out tales and goings on are what make me most proud, that I can invent, discover and play with characters that I needed to have.

It means that I can write. My writing, the personal story I've wanted to complete for years; I can do it. The problem I thought I'd face would be that I wouldn't be able to write after frantically typing so many stories and essays for University.

Already this week there has been encouragement from two sources. From a friend's mother. And a customer. After serving her coffee and a small meal, I got chatting with her about FREE things. The things that I need to seek out, considering what little money I have. I told her of me facing a world that was laid out for me to lust after. There were mentions of who I've fallen in love with. And finally how I may have become a stronger person.

She hugged me.

The notion of FREE material is very much strong with me. This hug cost this customer nothing. Instead it demonstrated her recognition that a human being was in front of her. Different to what I sometimes see myself as - a collection of stories.

It was much more reassuring and valuable than any tip I had received.


  1. Good to hear of the customer and good to hear that you're writing. I know you're in that odd interim between finishing your studies and graduation but writing shouldn't recognize such boundaries.

    Of course you are more than a collection of stories - but make the stories good too.

    (I have overused the word "good"; instead of editing out I shall treat it as though it were an intentional repetition.)

  2. Yes, I'm writing. When I get a day off I get 1000words written, which is good. Days I am working I write and make notes - it'll build.

    I did have an Art teacher tell me about three weeks ago that students maybe do take a break after studying a Creative subject for a substantial period of time.

    And please, your comments are always good, great, appreciated and wonderful.
