Wednesday 13 October 2010

Bus Girl?

The traffic lights on the way home do take around an hour to let free the Green man. There are four directions that the traffic can come. So I suppose I should expect a long wait.

At 17.56pm today, I looked to my left and saw a bus. Through its darkened window I saw a girl, seated on one of the raised seats at towards the back of the low deck. She was reading a book.

In my head I thought, 'I do that. Books are my friends.' Then I played with the tassels on my new hat, tickling my nose with one of them.

Due to the long traffic, the bus had not moved. I try to see what book the girl on the bus is reading. I narrow my eyes. No such luck. It has a dark cover. Yet it's not what the other girls are reading. I try wishing I can get closer. Again, no such luck.

Then it's her hair I notice. Black, straightened, with a cute fringe. Pale skin, noticeable even through the filter of the window. And eyes that are, even from this view, quite big. Could it be...?

If indeed she is the Bus Girl I came across before, I have made my mind about her. She has the look of Zooey Deschanel. She reads books on a bus. In these brain cells and heart of mine that have been messed about before, I have come to a sensible conclusion.

I'm in love with her.

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