Tuesday 10 May 2016

Haunting Libraries

With me only working one job now I can focus on my writing.

And reading.

Maybe my family.

If they behave.

It also means I have to be conscience of my budget.  'Free' is the optimum word.

Which is why I'm glad to report I'm sitting in a library.  Which is free.  The chance to type up blogs and personal writing.  The access to BBCRadio3, BBCRadio6 and YouTube playlists is all inspiring.

And there are two books beside me which I can hire out.  Recently I've been trying to read lengthy novels.  But I'm not absorbing them.  This has always been a problem of mine.  I take on these doorstopper sized books and brace myself to swallow them as quickly as possible.  The disadvantage is I miss several plot points.  The whole series of A Song of Ice and Fire had me swimming in details that I either swallowed some without realizing it and choked later on because it was a pivotal point that was only highlighted when another character mentioned it.

This is bad.

I used to pride myself on various volumes and getting through them.

So it's only wise to start off with smaller volumes.  I have Evelyn Waugh and P.G. Wodehouse.  They should be light enough.

I'm just glad I have a selection of books available here.  It's not like my own.  It will always alter.  Some will be taken away.  Others will added.  Unlike my own collection which may stay the same for the next decade - because ultimately I shouldn't need to buy another book for the rest of my life.

Mother told me the weather in Belfast was to be superb today.  And it is.  By classic Belfast standards.  It's drizzly.  But breezy.  Refreshing.  After the huge heat wave we received over the weekend.  Typical that I was working in the cinema.  A place full of dark rooms and hot popcorn.

Then again as a teenage I was a reclusive soul.  So there's a degree of comfort I gain from that.

With Eurovision appearing this weekend, the excitement is on.

Which is why I typed in 'Scandanavian Pop' into YouTube and took the first playlist on the menu.

This year it's held in Sweden.  Now I believe Sweden's entry last year wasn't that strong.  The success was down to the artist, Måns Zelmerlöw being awfully good looking.  Or at least I believe.  My vote last year went to Belgium's entry, Loïc Nottet.  Mainly because I didn't like it initially - and yet when I saw him perform live, I was won over.

Eurovision is practically Christmas at my place.  Every year I will drink a native item from whichever country it's set in.  And whosoever wishes can pop along to my place.

I suppose because of a dwindling budget, Eurovision is the quickest and most cost effective insight on what Europe is getting up to.  So for this year it's either seeing Stockholm as a pretty haven for music.  Instead of a breeding ground for sinister crimes.

Then again I have to admit Scandinavian crimes can be sexy.

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