Saturday 12 May 2018

Europe I'll miss you. Until we meet again.

With less than a year to go to Brexit's deadline, many of us Remainers are now doing what Leavers are supposedly accused of.  Nostalgia.  Leavers are often accused of dreaming of past days before the EU - and how much better it was.  Now the chop hasn't occurred yet and I guarantee the younger generations are already yearning for the idyllic Europe trip that their local art house cinema has shown them.  Because soon enough it'll feel as if it's been cut off forever.

It won't be.  According to our glorious Prime Minister, "We are leaving the EU, we are not leaving Europe."  Thanks Theresa.  I knew we could count on you.

But if you are feeling that yearning for the culture Europe has to offer, you may wish to tune into your television tonight at 8.00pm on BBCONE.

Yes!  It's that time again.  Where Chris doesn't shut up for weeks on end beforehand.  Where we see how pretty the genetic pool is on the continent.  And that music will be camp and colourful and scrumptious.

Welcome back Eurovision.

As I'm pretty poor this summer, I can't make it to any of our neighbours.  So the next best thing is to revel in competing tunes that will have gay bars dancing for the rest of the summer.

The only other thing I have is a small collection of European films on Netflix.  That's how I learn the smallest of phrases for when I finally do get to holiday.

Granted I am scared of Brexit.  Of how I'll move through airports.  Of how the economy may have detrimental effects to knock on various other jobs.  Of how the "problems" Brexit will supposedly clear up will probably still be with us.

But for now let's enjoy what Europe has to offer.

The joke that Britain would be expelled from Eurovision after Brexit did circulate.  I guarantee if that was the case, all of the gay community would have rallied to stay within.

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