Thursday 11 April 2013

Brokeback Biscuits

Or 'One Flew over the Cookie's Nest'?

If you have any other biscuit replacing movie titles, discuss in the usual fashion*.

My sleeping pattern has taken a hit.  Due to Candy Crush Saga.

And I thought I was an individual.  To be different to what everyone else was doing.

As well as being glued to my Smart Phone on pointless practices, I've also learned I need to eat my own words.

Certain friends will know how I don't like what I brand as, 'Cosmopolitan Fiction'.  The books that everyone else is reading.  Usually they've got a movie adaptation out within the next six months.

Jonny bought me the first two books in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series.  This was two years ago when HBO's Game of Thrones series was building real momentum.  Especially in Northern Ireland where a good portion of the show is filmed here.  This has generated a number of extra work jobs for long haired men.

Which leaves me questioning why I haven't gone for a role.

But anyway, am currently on the second novel : A Clash of Kings.  Martin's prose is a breeze on the reader.  His characters, albeit many of them, are all as satisfying as each other.  He's managed to do what I find fantasy writers in Tolkien's shadow want to do.  Create a politics system, involving religions and myths, stunning fight scenes and witty debates, men in hooded robes and holding large swords.  But first you have to set the scene.  And for the greater part of a novel readers can be bombarded with details galore - so that the end scene of battles and fights will come easily.

Or is that just me and how I've tried to write?

This morning the boiler man came to check the, well, boiler.  And he was very impressed.  You could almost see him floating out the door at such a well kept instrument.

Many cups of tea later and I was off to work.

Now I am home from work.  Gosh.  Where does the time bugger off to?

Dish washing now.  And whatever BBC Radio6 Music decide is useful for this time of night.

The life of a bachelor?

*Comment, Tweet, Blog, Postcard, Tea at the Park

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